Monday, April 16, 2007

New Brew; YouTube Finds; Lent Results


I just posted Dan Morgan's look at why people should change their vocabulary from Love to Lust on The Brew.



Found some great stuff on YouTube last night.
Alanis Morrisette's cover of "My Humps." Hilarious.
MadTV skit of The Terminator meeting Jesus.
MadTV skit somehow putting Iraq together with Apple Computers. Pretty creative.
The best of Ralph Wiggum from The Simpsons.



So here’s what happened after my ‘no TV’ Lent.

I finished six books: To Own a Dragon, and Searching For God Knows What by Donald Miller; The Book Of The Dun Cow, and The Book Of Sorrows by Walter Wangerin, Jr.; Blessed Assurance by Randall Balmer; The Devil In The White City by Erik Larson.

I also got out of the habit of passively watching TV (spending most of a Sunday afternoon or a late night channel surfing). I watched the few shows I was truly into (Lost and The Office) but was left slightly wanting after each episode. Neither seemed as good as I remembered them being.

I might go so far as to say the desire to blow some time watching TV went away. Kind of like curing yourself of some bad habit or desire.

A friend told me he began reading Piper’s Future Grace. I read it back in college but was only looking for one certain thing during that time of life (some kind of relief from depression). But Piper’s idea of prizing the pleasure of God so much that you would loose the desire to cling to some lesser thing, say some sin or something, came back to me.

I feel like I kind of did this during the Lent season. It reminded me of how someone can take initiative to improve their faith, their spirituality or their relationship with God. I haven’t done that kind of thing in a while, though I now feel like I can.

So I’m going to re-read Grace and see what happens. Maybe it’ll be another step back into the faith that I’m re-entering.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Jesus/Terminator one is greatness. Definitely my favorite.