Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Dump....

So I always end up finding lots of interesting crap while I'm online. Here's some of the more stand-out stories.

A Caffeinated Donut.

Time magazine trying to be clever with Albert Mohler when he is diagnosed with cancer.

Rueters reports on a mental health bill working through congress that would make insurance companies add coverage for mental health issues.

Two clowns (no joke) shot dead at a circus in Columbia.

Borat a human rights victim?

The Worst of the Worst Movie Awards on Rotten Tomatoes.

Obama as Christ?

This last one brought back memories for me. A videographer from San Francisco is reportedly 'soon to be released' after being jailed for almost a year on charges of contempt for not releasing a video of a San Fran cop getting injured during an Anarchist Action rally. The video, though long, shows an anarchist's rally in San Fran. The section in question comes towards the end, when a cop has to subdue a protester and someone thrusts what looks like a pole at the officer.
The video brought back memories for me of when I covered a huge anti-war rally in Chicago. This video of the San Fran equivalent is interesting to watch if you've never experienced a protest rally.


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