Wednesday, March 16, 2005

A Familiar Need

My day is brightened many shades when I can hear the 90s hour on local rock-stations. And luckily in Chicago, this comes twice a day, at 9 a.m. and at noon, thanks to the alliteration.

My mind is soothed to hear Chris Cornell scream through "Spoonman" or Scott Weiland wail through "Wicked Garden." These are songs I lived and matured by in high school and will always consider familiar. They represent a time in my life that I know intimately; a time that I look back on and instantly grow happy.

The happiness doesn't come from a lovely experience from that time of life (junior high and high school aren't times that I'd like to relive) but more just from being reminded of something I am familiar with.

That familiarity brings security. I know every guitar riff and bridge of "Cumbersome" by Seven Mary Three from repeated listenings. I know exactly what will come after the chorus, "I have become cumbersome to this world" and I can rest easy because of that. This is something I know. This is something I can follow and not get lost. I get exuberant knowing that the next line is "And my girl."

You wouldn't think that a successful college graduate would need such trivialities as decade-old songs to bring them peace in their lives. But I do. You'd think that a person could find this kind of familiarity and peace in a relationship with the Almighty, a significant other or congregation of believers. But sometimes some people can't.

And because of this, the Red Hot Chili Peppers' cover of "Love Rollercoaster" manifests a safe haven where a person can relax, because the listener knows what comes next. The listener knows the future, at least for another 1 minute and 36 seconds.

I know this kind of peace is utterly insufficient to meet any kind of real need but it does remind me of the peace and comfort I need to find in Christ. I know that no number of playings of any of 90s songs can bring any lasting peace, only the kind that make me yearn for the true kind that comes through the Spirit.


Unknown said...

Wow. A local station here in Texas has started the "90's at noon" a couple months ago; I find myself tuning in almost every day. I've already made three requests: RHCP's Scar Tissue, OMC's How Bizzare, and the third one I love but am ashamed to admit: INOJ's Love Me Down...

DayAtTheBeach said...

I was following the alphabet soup up until INOJ. But I think I've got one to one up ya: Walk Like a Camel by SCOTS. I'll give ya my final paycheck from the newswire I worked out if you can tell me the name of that band.

Unknown said...

Are you referring to Southern Culture on the Skids? Keep your money if I'm right, that's just what Google showed up.
INOJ is actually not an acronym. It's pronounced "I know Jay". She also did a famous "time after time" version in the 90's.

DayAtTheBeach said...

I'd be singing along, but not to to the Bodeans. Maybe Collective Soul or the Pumpkins. Definitely the Pumpkins.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work