Sunday, September 30, 2007

My Education in Chicago on The Brew; Crickets

I just posted my article "Where Education and Experience Blur" on The Brew.
It's just a little anecdotal piece about journalism, Chicago and experience.


I felt like I was in some bad horror movie the other night when I went to Kohl's around 9:30 p.m.

I parked my car and got out and saw hundreds of little black things all over the pavement. I took a few steps in my flip flops, trying to avoid the black things, which I figured out were crickets.

Once I realized that they were crickets, the black things jumping all around made more sense. I felt many of them bump into my legs and one almost fell in between my foot and my flip flops.

I got into the store without feeling anything squish or crunch underfoot. But it was just weird. I'd never seen so many of them in one spot before, let alone on a cement parking lot. Trippy.

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